An Apple a Day, Keeps the calories away and more…

Fruits are an essential part of a healthy diet. The same goes for a meal plan that aims to manage weight and lose it. There are many fruits that you can consume to fill your 2cup requirement (for adults on an average of 2,000 calorie consumption) and an apple should be part of your list.

Apple 3First off, an apple provides you nutrition as a medium sized apple already 4 grams of fiber for a modest amount of 95 calories giving you 14% already of your daily vitamin C requirement. Given this fiber content, it already satisfies the feeling of hunger and so it is an excellent part of a weight loss regimen. A lot of dieters also work out. As such, an apple is considered to be an exercise extender – this means you can endure more exercise if you eat an apple before you work out. This is because it has quecetin, an antioxidant which allows more oxygen to the lungs and thus help you expend more energy. The more energy you expend, the more calories you burn. As you know, weight loss is basically burning more calories than you take in.

We always talk about weight loss but let us talk about the other health benefits of eating an apple. A daily consumption of apple is associated with lowering

 the risk of coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease. This is because of the antioxidants and fiber it contains which prevents cholesterol build up and inflammation of the arteries.

So go ahead, the next time you plan your trip to the supermarket, don’t forget to drop by the fresh section and load up your ref with a good inventory of apples.


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